• City Rescue Mission – Volunteers are needed every first Tuesday of each month to help with the Hammond Warming Shelter. We cook the meal at Church (10:00 AM) and serve the meal at the Shelter (5:30PM). If you can assist us, please sign-up to serve on the hallway bulletin board or contact the Church Office.
•The Social Ministry Committee – continues it’s Book Drive for children ages Pre-Kindergarten through 8th Grade for a library in Africa. Please consider purchasing some or, if you have any used books in good condition, please bring them to Church. There is a container in the narthex for your donations.
•The Social Ministry Committee – continues collecting cleaning supplies for Love INC. Donations of actual supplies or cash/check (payable to First United) are appreciated. Mark your pew envelop “Love Cleaning Items,” and place it in the offering plate. Many thanks!